Ref. # 104470
Age: 2004
Max.Size: 74 x 53 cm (29 x 20 inch)
Colors: 5
Counter: 120 mio
Availability: Immediately
Man-Roland 505 LV
Roland 505 OBLVColors 5-0 coating unit extended deliveryformat 53x74 cm, year 2004,Counter 120 mio
imp., 5-0, stock max thickes up to1 mm, Max Speed 16 000 s/h, dispersion coating lack unit, extended delivery,RCI, ColorPilot, Rolandmatic Delta, ink units temperature control,Technotrans water cooled, Alcoprint 3000, PPL, automatic washers, Grafixspray unit, Grafix IR/TL, AirGlide delivery, central air supply cabinet,in production, available immediately,Online photos:
Price: EUR 165,000 LOT
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