Ref. # 113359
Age: 2005
Max.Size: 75 x 52 cm (29 x 20 inch)
Colors: 5
Counter: 120 mil mio
Availability: Immediately
Shinohara 75 V
SHINOHARA 75 V 5 colors Size 52 x 75 cmsyear 2005Five Colour, Straight Machine, Impression 120 mil Shinohara Table Remote Control -Shinohara Alcohol Dampening, Semi Auto Plate Change SAPC, Auto Roller and Blanket Washing devices, Cocking Register Control – Steel plateon Delivey an feeder SCCS (Shinohara Colour Control Station), Automatic preset system of colorful devices SPIS, Cooling and Recirculation , Vacuum table
Price: EUR 60,000 LOT
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