Ref. # 114761
Age: 2019
Max.Size: 300 x 200 cm (118 x 78 inch)
Availability: Immediately
Iqdemy Maglev 2030
IQDEMY MAGLEV 20302019Used UV-LED printerWorking format: 2000 x 3000 mmCaldera Grand RIPAntistatic BoosterVoltage stabilization unitIndustrial Chiller CW 50006 x Ricoh GEN5, MH5420 headsColor configuration CMYK WW The carige has magnetic levitation power (linear motors)IQDEMY MAGLEV 2030year 2019 Flatbed digital printerWorking format: 2000 x 3000 mmAntistatic BoosterVoltage stabilization unit4 vacuum Zones, UV LEDIndustrial Chiller CW 50006 x Ricoh GEN5, MH5420 headsDroplet size: 3,5-21 Printing Speed ( x6 Ricoh GEN 5 )508 X 1200 dpi: 71 sq.m.\h508 X 1800 dpi: 39 sq.m.\h508 X 2400 dpi: 23 sq.m.\h
Price: EUR 65,000 LOT
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