Ref. # 117006
Age: 2003
Max.Size: 39 x 31 cm (15 x 12 inch)
Availability: Immediately
Kolbus KM 472 A
KOLBUS KM 472 AYear 2003Gatherer ZU 840 15 station 1 hand feedTransfer element with REJECT DELIVERYKOLBUS KM type 472 A perfect binder 21 clampsCo-pilot system with TFT 3 x screenMilling, Notching and brushing stationsHotmelt spine and side gluing with preheating tank Kolbus LH 370Pile cover feeder2 pressing stationsLay down delivery Technical specifications:Mechanical maximum speed 8,000 cycles hour.Maximum format 310 x 390 x 60mm or 190 x 460 x 60mm (Double production)Minimum format 100 x 125 x 3mm
Price: EUR 75,000 LOT
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