Ref. # 127122
Age: 2008
Max.Size: 102 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch)
Colors: 6
Counter: 104 mio
Availability: Immediately
Komori LS 640 CX
KOMORI LS 640 LX UV Hybrid LED year 20076 Colors with Coater Size : 72x103 cmCounter 104 MilEquipment :6 COLORS COATERHYBRID MACHINERETROFIT PRINTABLED LED UV year20224 Interdeck UV LED2 LAMPS UVALL Interdecks INTERMOVEABLE BETWEEN ALL UNITSPdcs II scanning densitometerKMS - IV (Komori Management System Touchscreen Monitor)AMR (Automated Make Ready) -KHS (Pre-Inking System) with AI-PQC(Off Press controls with overhead lamp)KOMORIMATIC dampening with Techno Trans recirculation unitVenturi Air TransferAntistatic deviceDouble-sheet controlPneumatic side lay controlSheet decurlerChromed CylindersDouble sized impression cylindersSAPC Air and plate Pre-setAll washersAnilox coater -Harris Bruno IR dryer
Price: EUR 500,000 LOT
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